Cooley Law School Giving Free Legal Aid to Soldiers

Students, professors and practicing attorneys at Lansing-based Cooley Law School, are giving soldiers free legal advice before, during and after deployment.

According to excerpts from the article:

James Roellich had his will and durable power of attorney prepared for him last month by lawyers at Camp Grayling in the northern Lower Peninsula. A durable power of attorney authorizes another person to take careof one's finances, in Roellich's case, his wife.

Roellich, who's now back home in Wisconsin, was one of more than 100 Marines who received legal help at Camp Grayling from members of the Thomas M. Cooley Law School's Service to Soldiers: Legal Assistance Referral Program.

“The group of lawyers, Cooley law professors and students also has assisted troops in Lansing, Grand Rapids, Saginaw and Kalamazoo," said Heather Spielmaker, who runs the program. Before deployment, the group mainly prepares wills and powers of attorney for the departing troops.

"It's basically like a will assembly line," Spielmaker said. "We prepare about 150 a day when we're at full tilt."

 Read the entire article here.

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