The Power of We Consortium (PWC) is adding four AmericCorps Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) positions in the Capital region and the Allen Neighborhood Center (ANC), on Lansing’s Eastside, is looking to fill two more.
But as many 10 more jobs could be on the way as the federal government has pumped more money into the poverty-fighting VISTA program. The PWC is considering an increase in VISTA funding now and is already seeking new locations, Director Peggy Robert says.
What is a VISTA Volunteer job? Imagine a Peace Corps job but in your own backyard. The pay is small but the rewards are said to be huge.
“Our new VISTAs will help create a more energy-efficient neighborhood via our new Energy Preservation District pilot; work to increase food abundance via our Allen Street Farmers Market and the Hunter Park Community GardenHouse; assist organized neighborhood groups working on neighborhood improvement; build our volunteer base; and learn fundraising skills,” says ANC’s Matt Penniman.
The PWC, an Ingham-County-wide organization formed to aid the area's help agencies, offers a VISTA position in June at Gateway Community Services, a group that assists families in crisis at multiple sites.
In July, jobs in Lansing will be offered at the Southside Community Coalition, Teen Challenge and the Eastside Community Action Center.
Mary ZumBrunnen, VISTA project coordinator, says that in 2007 and 2008 more than $100,000 in cash and almost $300,000 in non-cash resources were generated by the PWC’s VISTAs at faith-based and community organizations dedicated to poverty fighting. This is in addition to more than 70,000 hours of community service. At minimum wage, combined VISTA and community volunteer services totaled over $718,000 of Lansing-area-improvements.
One of the ANC jobs begins in mid-June, the other in July. Resumes, due by March 30, may be sent here.
Contact Mary ZumBrunnen, VISTA project coordinator, at 517-887-4594, or here.
Sources: Peggy Roberts, Power of We
Gretchen Cochran, Innovation & Jobs editor, may be reached here.
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