More than $100,000 in grant funding has been invested into the Capital region's
pledge project, and over the past three years, partners in the coalition
have donated public service announcements, creative services and staff
Keep Learning...Our Future Depends On It, is a pro-education coalition of business, education, government and media partners challenging local businesses to step up and “Take the Pledge” to support a tradition of life-long learning.
The essential goal behind this initiative is to double the number of college graduates in Mid-Michigan.
“Greater Lansing has become a desirable place to be, but many of the folks who’ve been here for years or decades may not accurately see the amazing education opportunities we have, and why it’s absolutely essential every man, woman and child take advantage of them,” says Kate Tykocki, chief communications officer at
Capital Area Michigan Works! and one of the founding members of the effort.
“We need to create a culture of expectation—the expectation that post-secondary education is for everyone," Tyckoki adds. " I hope Keep Learning will play a role in that transformation."
By taking the Keep Learning pledge, businesses commit to one simple, no-cost act each month to support and promote further education in the Capital region community.
Source: Kate Tykocki, Keep Learning
Writer: Suban Nur Cooley
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