Teens work with art entrepreneurs through REACH Studio Art Center's new Teentrepreneurs program

Making the leap from artist to entrepreneur can be challenging at any age. Thanks to an on-going program at the REACH Studio Art Center, teens can now get a jump start on learning on how to turn their creative outlet into a career. “Teentrepreneurs: Art Means Business” is a weekly course allowing mentorship opportunities for teenagers interested in careers in the textile arts, jewelry design and production, graphic arts and ceramics.

“We hope the students learn what it is to invest in a business and make money from it,” says REACH outreach coordinator Jeana-Dee Rogers. “It’s learning life skills.”

The course, which began in January and continues every Thursday through May 18 is free and open to any teen who would like to drop in and attend a session. Students break into groups to learn specific skills from Lansing-area instructors. Rogers says the REO Town studio is the perfect location for teens to learn about entrepreneurship.

REO Town itself is growing and getting some redevelopment,” Rogers says. “The teens are seeing things change economically and we wanted to make sure they know how get their own business growing to be a part of it.”

“Teentreprenuers” is funded by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, the Arts Council of Greater Lansing and the City of Lansing through the Lansing Economic Development Corporation’s Arts and Cultural Grant Program.

Source: Jeana-Dee Rogers, REACH

Writer: Natalie Burg, News Editor
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