After a mad rush to move from the Lansing mall to the Frandor Shopping Center before the holidays, the Mid-Michigan Family Theater is now settling into its new location and preparing for upcoming shows.
The Mid-Michigan Family Theater looked at four new sites before choosing the 4,200 square foot, 440 Frandor Ave. location.
“The idea was that people coming here (to the Mid-Michigan Family Theater) would make a trip to an additional location in Frandor,” says Mid-Michigan Family Theater Bill Gordon. “We hope to help Frandor out.”
The new space has also given the theater increased visibility, an asset Gordon hopes will boost attendance at the Theater’s annual eight-play line up. Each of the eight plays runs eight shows over two weekends.
The new space gives the theater an administrative front room, a lobby, a stage with room for 100 seats, a back stage area, green room, costume gallery and restrooms.
“I think a community is lucky to have two children’s theaters, if they even have one,” Gordon says. The Capital region also has the All of Us Express children’s theater.
The Mid-Michigan Family Theater completed its move in November 2008.
Source: Bill Gordon, Mid-Michigan Family Theater
Ivy Hughes, development news editor, can be reached here.
All Photographs © Dave Trumpie
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