Mother/Daughter Team Renovates and Opens 1,000 Sq Ft Westside Business

Maurissa and Linette Warner recently opened a newly renovated 1,000 square foot tanning salon on Lansing’s Westside.

The mother daughter team bought two salons nearly a year ago. Their first location is at 4324 W. Saginaw in Lansing and the second is at 248 E. Saginaw in East Lansing. They knocked down walls, repainted the building and put new tanning beds in the West Saginaw street location.

“This opportunity arose at the right time and we jumped on it,” says Maurissa. “We had clientele here and they loved us and we didn’t want to move.”

The Warners have five employees. The Warner family owned a construction company before getting into the tanning business.

Source: Maurissa Warner, MSW Bronze

Ivy Hughes, development news editor, can be reached here.

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