For years, Broadway shows have made a point to stop at Michigan State University’s (MSU) Wharton Center. Though the center is thrilled to host these shows, the center can barely fit actors
and the crew.
To fix this problem, the Wharton Center is pulling together $11 million to fund a massive expansion project.
The expansion includes a new freight elevator, expanding dressing rooms and the gift shop/lobby area, and adding a new façade, multi-purpose space, corporate lounges, educational space and administrative offices.
“We’re spread all over, we’re literally in broom closets,” says the Wharton Center’s Kent Love about the staff’s work space.
To accommodate Broadway crews, which can be quite large, the Wharton Center currently lets the shows take over its smaller stage, putting that stage out of commission until the Broadway show leaves. The expansion will allow the smaller stage to be used while a Broadway performance is in town.
“It’s really about creating the whole experience for the community,” Love says about the expansion. “I really think it speaks volumes that the community can support this.”
The Wharton Center is in the midst of a fundraising effort for the expansion. Love says they hope to break ground in the spring of 2008.
Source: Kent Love, Wharton Center
Ivy Hughes, development news editor, can be reached here.
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