Delta Dental in Okemos (4100 Okemos Road) received an Environmental Stewardship award from Meridian Township last week. The award was in recognition of Delta Dental's

environmental efforts as it adds a second building to its 57-acre campus.
project broke ground in 2008 and will be completed in 2011. The total cost of the project will be between $80 million and $90 million.
In addition to a second building, the project includes a new data center and an expansion to the Delta Dental Pond, which is also the county drain. New plants and trees are being added to rejuvenate the setting of the campus.
"Many people have seen our amazing new building rising from the ground during the past year, but that may have overshadowed some tremendous work that was accomplished at ground level, and below, with the renovated pond and county drain," says Ari B. Adler, communications administrator for Delta Dental of Michigan.
The new trees, flowers and grasses will take some time to grow in and complete the new look of the campus.
"Things will still look a little scruffy for a couple of years," says Adler, "but what you’ll see here after the plantings take hold will be well worth the wait."
Source: Ari B. Adler, Delta Dental
Daniel J. HoganPhoto: Becky Johns
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