$182 Million Accident Fund Downtown HQ Placed on National Historic Register

The $182 million renovation of the Ottawa Power Station in Downtown Lansing has landed the building on the National Register of Historic Places.

“The power plant is such a recognized fixture in the Lansing landscape, we thought it would be great to bring that glory back as part of our community,” says Matt Haran with the Accident Fund. “It’s part of our commitment to Lansing. We’re renovating and restoring it and making it our home.”

The old power station is on its way to being the new headquarters of the Lansing-based Accident Fund insurance company. The designation means the Accident Fund has committed to maintain the historical integrity of the building, which is being completely gutted.

The Michigan state Capitol and Fisher Building in Detroit are also on the National Register of Historic Places.

Construction of the Accident Fund’s seven-acre campus should be complete by the start of 2011.

Source: Matt Haran, Accident Fund

Ivy Hughes, development news editor, can be reached here.

All Photographs © Dave Trumpie

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