Downtown Lansing has been eagerly awaiting the completion of the
Accident Fund’s new headquarters in the former Lansing Board of Water & Light Ottawa Street Power Station for years now, and the wait is finally over. The grand opening of the building, which took place on March 29, marked the beginning of the 650-employee transition.

The move not only marks $182 million invested in a 334,000-square-foot historic site and room for the company to add 500 more employees over the next ten years, but it also will bring 300 Blue Cross Blue Shield employees to Downtown Lansing even more quickly. BCBS staff from the company’s Creyts Road location and other area offices will consolidate into the former Accident Fund building as soon as this spring or summer.
According to the
Accident Fund’s Media & Public Relations Advisor Stepheni L. Schlinker, adding 800 more employees downtown reflects her company and BCBS’s commitment to Downtown Lansing.
“Accident Fund is nearing its 100-year anniversary and we have always been based in downtown Lansing,” Schlinker said. “We are committed to Lansing and helping to grow Lansing’s economy.”
The major renovation project, which was overseen by The Christman Company, was completed utilizing 90 percent Michigan-based contractors, employing 106 statewide.
“The new headquarters is important to Accident Fund as it allows us to grow,” says Schlinker. “The new facility has given us the extra space we need to conduct agent meetings at our headquarters – something we didn’t have space to do in the Capitol Ave. building.”
Source: Stepheni L. Schlinker, The Accident Fund
Writer: Natalie Burg, News Editor
All Photographs © Dave Trumpie
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