Paper milling is, to some, considered the opposite of green, but
Verso Paper Corp. announced the completion of some very green improvements at its Quinnesec mill recently.
The Tennessee-based company put $45 million into revamping the mill with renewable energy systems, including design upgrades to the mill's boiler so that it can burn additional biomass fuels, a new biomass handling system that can turn former wood waste into biofuels, and a new turbine generator. Within the mill, that means the plant is using 28 megawatts of renewable energy to run on. That's about the amount used by 18,000 homes in a year, and more than 95 percent of the mill's on-site electricity.
VP of Energy and Technology Mark Daniel says the project reduces Verso's carbon footprint and increases its use of biofuels, which were goals set out in the company's long-term strategy.
"In addition to reducing our carbon footprint, these improvements will improve boiler combustion and efficiency and will markedly reduce the mill's reliance on electricity produced from fossil fuels," says Daniel.
Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Mark Daniels, Verso Paper Corp.
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