Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park launches new downloadable audio tour

There's a new way to explore the Porcupine Mountains in the western U.P., as the state Department of Natural Resources has released a free audio tour available online.

In the latest step toward making state parks more accessible by Internet, smartphone and iPod, the DNR has an audio driving tour available for download online, which is designed for smartphones, mp3 players and other mobile devices.

It takes drivers through the Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park from its visitor center to the popular Lake of the Clouds, and covers topics like geology and old-growth forests, cabins, hiking trails, recreation areas and more.

"The new audio tour offers information that will be interesting to both first-time visitors and people who have been here multiple times," says park interpreter Bob Wild. "We are trying out some news ways to share information with our customers, and this audio tour is an example of technology and nature converging in one convenient package."

Visitors can download the audio tour ahead of time, or even at the park, using the visitor center's wireless connection. The audio tour is accompanied by roadside signs throughout the park to guide listeners to the correct track at the correct time.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Bob Wild, Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park

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