Ore Dock Brewery to play host to 'pop-up' vintage clothing store today

If you're in Marquette between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. today and you're into vintage clothing, then you probably should head on over to the Ore Dock Brewery and go upstairs.

That's where you'll find Hilary Bloch and her first-ever "pop-up" store.

"(Combining) beer and shopping is my favorite," says Bloch, who will have a fine selection of dresses, suits, hats, shoes, handbags and accessories to offer those stopping in for a quick shop (and, if you're like us, a quick beer).

"I got the idea for a pop-up vintage clothing shop after reading an article about pop-up restaurants," says Bloch. "(They are developed by) Chefs with a lot of passion and love for the craft, but limited resources--a great way to get noticed in the world of food.

"Why not apply that model to my passion?"

Bloch says she always wanted to open her own shop, but with work and kids, she hasn't been able to do so.

"I originally started doing this with the intention of setting up an Etsy shop," she says. "I have, but it is not as interesting to me as the human element in the face-to-face sale. I love to see where these little pieces of history go. I grow quite attached to these lovely garments."

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Hilary Bloch
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