Upper Michigan Green Aviation Coalition gets $600,000 grant from SBA

There are two kinds of "green" coming to Sawyer International Airport soon; the environmental kind, and the bankroll kind.

The Upper Michigan Green Aviation Coalition just received a grant of almost $600,000 from the U.S. Small Business Administration to help expand the aviation industry in the Upper Peninsula into "green" businesses.

The money -- $599,882 -- will be used to help start-ups and business expansions that focus on environmentally-friendly aviation. At Sawyer Airport, that includes aviation technology dismantling and recycling, and at the Houghton and Delta county airports, it will go toward building up Renaissance zones encouraging green aviation businesses.

U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow, who announced the grant award, says the partnership is a good fit for the U.P.'s airports, and should serve to retain and create jobs in a sustainable industry. The coalition is made up of 41 members, both public and private.

"This is an important investment for the communities around the Sawyer International Airport, the Houghton County Airport, and the Delta County Airport, that will create jobs and help spur growth for small businesses throughout the Upper Peninsula," says Stabenow. "This is an example of how public-private partnerships can help our Michigan small businesses grow and compete in the new clean energy economy."

The Green Aviation Coalition includes private companies, research and development firms, universities, consulting firms, financial institutions and state and local government and economic development organizations.

The coalition got the money as one of 10 of the SBA's "Innovative Economies" grants, which supports small businesses in regional economic "clusters," such as the aviation-related business group at Sawyer International Airport. It was chosen from 173 applicants.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow
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