It's still below freezing outside, which must mean that you're ready for some frozen treats, right? Well, even if you're not exactly ready at this moment, there is some nice weather on the horizon (so say the meteorologists) and when it warms up
Frosty Treats in Marquette is ready for you.
The seasonal business is open again--a week later than last year, but, then again, last year was a lot warmer in mid-March--and all of their Frosty Treat favorites are ready for you to enjoy.
The lines are already forming (not kidding) and the frozen bananas, chocolate-dipped cones with eyes and sundaes are being sold to the customers who are delighted to see the Third Street business open.
To many in Marquette, this is the truest sign that spring is right around the corner.
Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Frosty Treats
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