Evergreen Award of Marquette County honors Nheena Weyer Ittner

Nheena Weyer Ittner, of Marquette, was recently given the Evergreen Award by the Zonta Club of Marquette.

The award, which is given annually to a man or woman of Marquette County who is inspirational in their role as a mentor of women and girls, was announced Oct. 24 at the annual Evergreen Award Luncheon.

Weyer Ittner was recognized for accomplishments in her career, for being an outstanding role model and mentor and making a strong contribution to the betterment of Marquette County through the use of her time, energy and creativity. Weyer Ittner is the executive director of the Upper Peninsula Children’s Museum and also a founding board member. She has been with the museum for 20 years.

"Nheena is one of the most effective leaders in our community," says Stu Bradley, a founding member of MI Upper Hand and a friend of Weyer Ittner's. "Twenty years ago she had a vision of creating a museum for children. The Children's Museum now has over 40,000 visitors each year and budget of about $400,000. Seven years ago she volunteered to be chair of the Skateboard Plaza Committee, and because of her leadership, the park will be completed next summer. If you want something done--get Nheena on the committee."

Beyond her professional life, Weyer Ittner has demonstrated support for women and girls in her volunteerism in the community. She has been involved in numerous programs and service organizations.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Lake Superior Community Partnership

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