Cliffs Michigan operations receives Above and Beyond Award for loyalty to soldiers

The U.P. has always been a military-friendly place, and one of the central U.P.'s major employers now has proof of that.

Cliffs Natural Resources was given the 2011 Above and Beyond Award from the Michigan Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve in a downstate ceremony this month.

The committee gives the award to employers who demonstrate exceptional support to employees who serve in the National Guard or Reserve. While all employers must follow legal support requirements, the award is meant to honor those who, well, go above and beyond.

Each year, fewer than 30 awards are given to Michigan employers, out of several thousand who employ Guard and Reserve members. In Cliffs' case, the award was earned by programs supporting Guard members, reservists, active-duty military personnel, and even the local Reserve unit itself.

"We are honored to receive such a prestigious award for the continued support of our service men and women," says Jeffrey Lipovetz, vice-president and general manager of Cliffs Michigan operations. "Cliffs Michigan operations is very proud of our employees who serve in the Guard and Reserve units stateside and abroad. The military support network is in place to do what we can as an employer to support our military employees and their family members."

The network he means is Cliffs' military support network, which reaches across all of its U.S. operations, and supports employees and their families during service with the Reserves or National Guard. Among its activities in Michigan have been a care package drive, military appreciation picnics, and recognition in the workplace for returning military employees

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Jeffrey Lipovetz, Cliffs Natural Resources

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