BridgeGuard welcomes Andrew G. Niemi

BridgeGuard, a service that uses infrared imaging sensors and analysis software to identify delamination within concrete bridge decks and substructures, recently announced that it has hired Andrew Niemi in Hancock.

Niemi brings with him a background in civil engineering construction and utilities planning.

"Providing meaningful structure data to the variety of DOT and engineering consultants that we work with is the core of our business," says Jay Ruohonen, president of BridgeGuard. "Andy will do a great job in lending his expertise of bridge structure and how our infrared technology is applied."

BridgeGuard was developed by engineers who specialize in the infrared detection of hidden objects; their experience includes military, environmental, security, and machine vision applications. It is licensed and distributed by Talon Research, Inc. in Hancock.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: BridgeGuard
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