Delta County's Stewart Manufacturing boasts 29 consecutive profitable quarters

In a day and age when companies are struggling to stay out of the red, it's impressive to hear of one that has strung several profitable quarters together in a row. What's even more impressive is when that string totals 29 consecutive profitable quarters.

Stewart Manufacturing of Hermansville has done just that. Not only that, they've seen impressive growth throughout the years. In 2003, the company recorded $2.4 million in sales to more than $10.5 million in 2008. Last year was slower for the Delta-County-based company, which felt the sting of the economy's decline $8.7 million.

Stewart Manufacturing produces precision machined products as a second stage supplier for automotive, heavy equipment, power generation and other industries across the country. It was named one of Michigan's 50 Companies to Watch this year, an award program sponsored by the Edward Lowe Foundation.

The key to his company's success, says Stewart Manufacturing owner Greg Stewart, is the quality workforce that works at the production facility.

"We have a skilled and dedicated group of employees that take pride in quality production," Stewart says. "That leads to satisfied customers and circles back to us with increased orders."

Stewart grew up in Houghton and later moved to Marquette, where he earned his degree from Northern Michigan University. He lives with his family at Lake Bluff, Gladstone. His company was named an Upper Peninsula Award of Excellence winner in 2007 by Operation Action U.P. and named Delta County Area Business of the Year in 2009 by Michigan Works.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Greg Stewart, Stewart Manufacturing

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