Sault Ste. Marie site of groundbreaking for new entrepreneurial center

Big things are happening in the Sault Ste. Marie economic development scene. A partnership between Lake Superior State University and the City of Sault Ste. Marie's Economic Development Corporation has spurred groundbreaking on a new facility that will help new businesses start up.

The facility under construction, called a "breeder building," will house the Sault Ste. Marie SmartZone, and serve as a home for new start-ups and entrepreneurs to explore manufacturing and business methods, and to build initial production runs. The EDC also has an industrial incubator designed for small manufacturing businesses just starting to get a foothold.

LSSU's Product Development Center also will have offices in the building, putting some great resources right at new businesses' elbows as they develop their plan and products.

"We look forward to watching the building rise up from an empty lot and even more so to the opportunity to see new entrepreneurial ventures become part of the local business community," says Eric Becks, director of the PDC.

Work on the building started May 1, and is scheduled to be finished by Nomad Construction by the end of next February at the latest.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Eric Becks, Lake Superior State University

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