The campus of Michigan Technological University. Michigan Technological University
What's happening: Some 800 middle school students from across the western Upper Peninsula will experience Mind Trekkers at the OneUP Copper Trail Festival on Tuesday, Dec. 12, at Michigan Technological University in Houghton. Mind Trekkers is a nationally acclaimed traveling STEM road show.
About the event: The event will feature hands-on STEM demonstrations designed to spark curiosity and showcase career opportunities. In partnership with UP Michigan Works!, the MiSTEM Network and area businesses, students will discover firsthand the awe and power of science through experimentation. From being inside a bubble to skewering a balloon without popping it, to playing a piano made of bananas, Mind Trekkers strives to bring communities together to support an educational ecosystem and build a strong workforce in STEM.
About the festival: Tuesday's event marks the first festival in the OneUP Mind Trekkers Tour, a collaboration of UP Michigan Works! and the MiSTEM Network. Mind Trekkers will come to Escanaba in the spring.
Location: The event will take place at the SDC Varsity Gym from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Information: Contact the Center for Educational Outreach, or (906) 487-2219.
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