The entrance to Lake State University in Sault Ste. Marie. Lake Superior State University
What's happening: In the hopes of better addressing needs in law enforcement and digital arenas, Lake Superior State University in Sault Ste Marie has created a new program in cybersecurity. The program will combine the technology of computer science with the skills of criminal justice in the hopes of protecting against cyberattacks, investigating cybercrimes and helping with crucial data recovery when dealing with ransomware attacks or preserving evidence.
A growing need: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, information security is expected to grow in employment by 32 percent in the next 10 years. More resources are becoming available from state and federal resources, with LSSU citing the goal of becoming accredited through the Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity by the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security. The cybersecurity program has to be in place for three years at the university before qualifying based on federal requirements.
What they're saying: “We identified programs that amalgamated computer science and information technology with business, military science, or engineering. However, our program is uniquely designed for students who seek a strong foundation in the fields of investigation and law enforcement,” said Professor Herb Henderson, chair of the School of Criminal Justice, Fire Science, and EMS. “This program represents a strong collaboration between faculty in criminal justice and computer science. The demands of the workforce in information warfare, digital forensics, and policy development are becoming more interdisciplinary. Graduates from this program will secure a well-rounded skill set for a rewarding career.”
What's next: The cybersecurity program will begin at the start of the next fall semester on August 26, 2024, and will be available to incoming and existing students.
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