Ageing Care

Longform A gathering for Michigan State University's Generations Connect program, which matches MSU undergraduate students with elders in the community, at the East Lansing Public Library.
Longform Amy Nichols, campus coordinator for the Region IV Area Agency on Aging, at the Campus for Creative Aging's booth in the South Haven Art Fair. She shows an example of the Window to Our World art project for care partners.
Longform The Inclusive Health Care Taskforce hosted an information and resource fair on June 13.
Feature Story Homg Miller leads a fitness class for in person participants at the Detroit office of the Association of Chinese Americans and participants on Zoom.
Special Report Special report graphic
Longform Corktown Health staff
Longform Shelby Coolbaugh, administrative assistant for the Michigan Long Term Care Ombudsman Program (MLTCOP), and Salli Pung, state long term care omubdsman for MLTCOP.
Feature Story Veronica Bilicki oversees the Patient as Caregiver program.

Henry Ford Health program helps unpaid caregivers stay healthy

Longform MiGen staff and community in MiGen's office space/Senior Center at Affirmations.
Longform A Meals on Wheels Western Michigan volunteer makes a delivery.
Longform Katie Wendel, director of planning and advocacy at Area Agency on Aging 1B, which recently launched a voucher program to help unpaid caregivers afford respite care.
Longform Emily Miller, Crime Victims Legal Assistance Project managing attorney.
Longform Grand Haven resident Lesa Jordan with Sheyenne Cole, a counselor in Senior Resources of West Michigan's Behavioral Health at Home program.
Feature Story Actors Carol Sizer and Bill Klein rehearse "Memory of a Dance," a play about dementia commissioned by the Southwest Michigan-based Region IV Area Agency on Aging to spread community awareness of the experiences of people living with dementia.

PODCAST: Building more dementia-friendly communities

Feature Story Dr. Hank Paulson is a neurologist at University of Michigan Health and director of the Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Center.
Longform SOCIAL Program volunteers Keen Parra and Brooklynn Wilton with their client, Tammirah, at center.
Feature Story Saline resident Jim Mangi is a care partner to his wife, Kathleen, who has Alzheimer's disease.
Feature Story Since being diagnosed with dementia, Monica Downer (center, being interviewed) has become an activist for awareness of her disease.

PODCAST: Dementia disparities in communities of color

Feature Story Cyndy Hund, pictured here with her husband Mike, quit her job due to her dementia symptoms – but it still took her another four years to get a diagnosis.
Feature Story SOH Podcast Ep 1

PODCAST: Dementia is not a death sentence