Index says Lakeland Hospital a good value

Lakeland Regional Medical Center, St. Joseph, and Lakeland Community Hospital, Niles, were recently named Community Value Index Top 100 hospitals and Community Value Five Star hospitals by Cleverley + Associates, reports the Herald-Palladium.

The federal government recognizes the two hospitals as a single entity, so the rating applies to both hospitals. The Columbus, Ohio-based Cleverley + Associates, a health care financial consulting firm specializing in benchmarking and performance enhancement strategies, released the findings as part of its publication, "State of the Hospital Industry - 2011 Edition."


Dr. Loren Hamel, Lakeland HealthCare president and CEO, said the recognition shows that Lakeland's long-term strategy for providing value is working. "For more than a decade Lakeland has adhered to a board-directed commitment to provide exemplary value to our community," Hamel said.

For more, please read the rest of the story.

Source: Herald-Palladium
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