Renew Crew hires 6 for power wash and treatment service

It's not enough to power wash many outdoor items. To keep them looking their best a special treatment is required. That's the thinking behind Renew Crew of Southwest Michigan.
Decks, paver patios, walkways and driveways, siding, gutters, and fences are all cleaned and protected by the Renew Crew, a new company in Royalton Township. Indoor and outdoor window cleaning also is offered. 
It's one of three companies Ken and Julie Wuerfel have opened, their third franchise. They also operate Cleaning Authority of Berrien County and Mosquito Squad.
Renew Crew opened March 1 when the company began taking orders for spring clean up. Julie Wuerfel says orders began coming in quickly and they now have six employees. At a home show in early March they were very well received and the business got off to fast start. 
On April 1 their teams were at work. "The men were out there freezing in the 40 degree spring weather," Wuerfel says. "People are ready for spring and spring cleanup is part of that." 
It helps that the Wuerfels already have a base of customers to build on from their other businesses. 
For Renew Crew, Ken Wuerfel is responsible for making quotes on jobs, training employees in cleaning and treating process. At busy times, he might be on the job for a cleaning, too. To deepen the level of knowledge on the team, their lead technician also has been trained in Springfield, Mo. 
Julie takes care of the office responsibilities, handling the books and marketing.
Renew Crew's cleaning involves a three-part process -- spraying a foam that loosens and  lifts the loosened dirt, bringing it to the surface, and also kills mold and mildew without using harsh chlorines; a pressure rinse that removes grime, releases gray wood fibers and restores surfaces to close to their original appearance; and treatment  with special polymers that enhance and prolong the natural beauty of woods and extend the life of other surfaces. The protective finish fights weather damage by repelling the elements, including UV rays. It also seals pores to fight dirt buildup.
Julie says that their customers appreciate the training that goes into understanding the chemistry used in the treatment. "People feel confident when they hear of the training that's required and that our team knows what it's doing," she says.
Writer: Kathy Jennings, Second Wave Media
Source: Julie Wuerfel, Renew Crew
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