New breath test could identify exposure to radiation

The LECO Corp. in St. Joseph will provide advanced instruments to analyze breath samples as part of a research project to develop a breath test for radiation exposure.

LECO is participating along with the New Jersey company Menssana Research Inc. in the research work funded Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

A $4.2 million contract has been awarded to begin the research. If it proceeds the project could receive $22.84 million.

Menssana already has developed a sensitive breathalyzer that detects several hundred different chemical compounds in normal human breath.

The breathalyzer requires a person to breathe gently into a mouthpiece for two minutes.

The breathalyzer is much more sensitive than those police use to measure blood alcohol concentrations.

It is currently in studies to identify disease biomarkers in patients with lung cancer, breast cancer, and tuberculosis.

A previous pilot study identified biomarkers of radiation exposure in cancer patients receiving radiation therapy.

The device also could prove useful in the event of an accident involving radioactive materials or a "dirty bomb." It has the potential of allowing emergency responders to rapidly screen and identify those who have been exposed to radiation.

The new breath test for biomarkers of radiation exposure will be evaluated in patients receiving radiation as part of their scheduled treatment. Five medical centers will participate in the study.

Others involved in the study include Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University, which will evaluate breath testing in animals and American Westech, Inc, of Harrisburg, Penn, which will provide analytical and consultant services.

LECO Corp. has been a leader and innovator in analytical instrumentation since 1936. It specializes in fast, accurate cost-effective laboratory instruments for industries that need better, faster results.

Writer: Kathy Jennings
Source: LECO
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