Jane Parikh

Jane Parikh is a freelance reporter and writer with more than 20 years of experience and also is the owner of In So Many Words based in Battle Creek. She is the Project Editor for On the Ground Battle Creek.

Feature Story BC Children's Spa
Longform Jamari Taylor

How Battle Creek's Jamari Taylor paints a picture of success

Longform BCPD Mental Health
Longform BC Outdoor Education Center
Feature Story Bewitching Peddlers

Bewitching Peddlers to cast their art spell in Calhoun County

Feature Story Eastend Studio & Gallery

Halloween art to haunt Marshall's Eastend Studio & Gallery

Longform Veteran's Business Support BC

Veterans in Battle Creek learn from veteran entrepreneurs

In The News Under the Radar Michigan
Feature Story Food Prize

Food Prize goes from simmer to fast boil in Battle Creek