
Feature Story webinar-1

Empowering voices: Black disability history workshop returns

Disability Network Southwest Michigan brought back a popular workshop on Black disability history, led by Frances Vicioso, highlighting intersectionality and civil rights contributions.

Feature Story NHBP

Preserving Indigenous language focus of the Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi

Indigenous languages "are in the extinct stage. There are not many fluent speakers who survive. Our elder fluent speakers are slowly leaving us and there aren’t many left today. We are trying to bond together with each band" to keep the languages alive.

Feature Story Ampersee

Reclamation & Testimony: Kalamazoo nonprofit premiers stories of the unhoused

“Kalamazoo is a beautiful place, but it’s also very small in some ways. People can live in their own bubbles, never seeing or acknowledging the unhoused community. This play keeps the humanity of people in focus. It does not pretend that this group does not exist.”

Longform Rootead

PHOTOS: Rootead's annual Youth Drum and Dance Ensemble wows once again

Rootead's Youth Drum and Dance Ensemble showcased their incredible talent and artistry on the Comstock Community Theatre stage on February 9. Check out Fran Dwight's vibrant photographs!

Longform Jerico SWMI Journalism Collab

Building businesses and community at Jerico in Kalamazoo's Edison neighbohood

The once-crumbling 1890s brick buildings on Fulford in the Edison neighborhood have been revitalized and vow Jerico's spaces are full.  The hub for businesses and artisans has grown from its beginnings as a place to build electric scooters to one where projects are shared between those who make Jerico their business home. 

Feature Story National Cereal Day

Battle Creek breakfast companies unite to raise funds for United Way — one cereal box at a time

Battle Creek's two big cereal companies, WK Kellogg Co. and Post Consumer Brands, come together for the second annual Battle Creek Cereal Sale to raise funds for United Way of South Central Michigan.

Feature Story Blueberries SWMI Journalism Collab

Small blueberry farm survives by going organic

For the past 80 years the Mitchell family has been growing blueberries on land that has been passed down through the generations. At one time in their part of Van Buren County, that wasn’t unusual. Today it is. Read on to find out why.

Feature Story Iridescent Health

Shining an iridescent light on LGBTQIA+ healthcare: Cares of Kalamazoo opens new clinic

Iridescent Health, a welcoming, inclusive clinic with a focus on LGBTQ+ individuals and underserved communities, celebrated its Grand Opening on February 12 in Kalamazoo.

Longform Voces Early Childhood

Back office resources designed to support Calhoun County childcare businesses

“The intent of starting this back-office type of process or support is an acknowledgment that Early Childhood professionals are doing multiple jobs all at once. If some of the back office responsibilities can be done collaboratively by the CCBO, that’s one way to make the childcare profession more appealing and prevent burnout.”

Feature Story Early Education

Kindergarten readiness programs demonstrating success in Battle Creek

“If everything goes along business as usual, the Kindergarten readiness rate would most likely be only about 30 percent. To reach 54.9 percent shows that the work being done is producing great results.”

Longform Carmen Bell

Opera premiere in Battle Creek gives voice to the Tangled Roots of slavery

“Our African history runs deeper than slavery, but it is a part of it. The spirituals are intertwined throughout our history,  our faith, and became anthems of the civil rights movement. There are classical, jazz, and hip-hop themes  intertwined within the score.”

Feature Story SHARE Center

Providing emergency overnight shelter comes at a price for Battle Creek’s SHARE Center

“The SHARE Center is the last hope for many people, and the organization faces a very real threat of de-funding by the Federal government, which will result in more needless suffering, more death."

Feature Story Expensive houses in kalamazoo SWMI Journalism Collab Equitable Development

Yes, housing really is more unaffordable in Kalamazoo — here’s why

In Kalamazoo County. Incomes have risen 19% since 2019 — but housing prices are up 46%. Finding housing that doesn’t break the bank used to be a problem for low-income folks. Now, even households with a decent salary are in a pinch. Kalamazoo County is not alone — its housing woes are a microcosm of the nationwide housing crisis.

Feature Story ESPN Expensive houses in kalamazoo SWMI Journalism Collab Equitable Development

Sí, la vivienda es realmente más inasequible en Kalamazoo -aquí está el porqué

En el condado de Kalamazoo. Los ingresos han aumentado un 19% desde 2019, pero los precios de la vivienda han subido un 46%. Encontrar una vivienda que no cueste mucho dinero solía ser un problema para las personas de bajos ingresos. Ahora, incluso los hogares con un salario decente están en apuros. El condado de Kalamazoo no está solo: sus problemas de vivienda son un microcosmos de la crisis inmobiliaria a nivel nacional.  

Feature Story Affordable Housing St.Joe County SWMI Journalism Collab Equitable Development

What qualifies as affordable housing in St. Joseph County? We asked a developer, residents, and more

“We’re more powerful as a county and can have more of an impact by having all these talented, smart, dedicated people collaborating on these issues,” John Carmichael says.

Feature Story Affordable Housing St.Joe County SWMI Journalism Collab Equitable Development

¿Realmente qué se considera como vivienda asequible en el condado de St. Joseph?

«Somos más poderosos como condado y podemos tener un mayor impacto al tener a todas estas personas talentosas, inteligentes y dedicadas colaborando en estos temas», dice John Carmichael.

Feature Story Happy Cities

Joyful Streets, Real-World Struggles: "Happy Cities" author on the journey to transform Kalamazoo

"What I've noticed in Kalamazoo is, the city has been taking action to make some changes that in the short term some people might find uncomfortable, but in the long term are going to set the city on course for more vitality, more health, more equity, and I would say more happiness for the people who choose to live here."  

Feature Story Battle Creek TRHT

Battle Creek Truth Racial Healing and Transformation still a change agent in a changing world

Local equity leaders remain steadfast while tackling questions of what's next for DEI and racial healing.  “Fearmongering and overwhelm are deliberate tactics meant to discourage progress — but we refuse to be derailed. We are committed to moving forward."

Feature Story Encourage Battle Creek

Nonprofits can't do it all — Encourage BC supports those who address needs in Battle Creek

“Some are standalone organizations and some are individuals who want to do great work in the community but don’t have the capacity to build out an organization around their work. These folks are able to do these different projects, have relationships with their donors, and get educated about philanthropy through this work. We want to give them as much autonomy as possible."

Longform Tara Poore, manager of Children’s Services, left, and Megan Ford, manager of Autism and Intellectual

Michigan student loan repayment program helping to tackle mental health workforce shortage

Michigan has long faced a critical shortage of mental health professionals, impacting access to vital care for communities across the state. To address this growing challenge, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) launched the Behavioral Health Now Loan Repayment Program, a strategic initiative aimed at attracting and retaining mental health professionals by alleviating the financial burden of student loans.

Battle Creek

Kellogg Community College launches new Associate of Music degree

Kellogg Community College is growing its music program as it launches an Associate of Fine Arts in Music degree in Fall 2025. For the full story, click hereFor more stories, please visit here.


Joyful Streets, Real-world Struggles: "Happy Cities" author on the journey to transform Kalamazoo 

"What I've noticed in Kalamazoo is, that the city has been taking action to make some changes that in the short term some people might find uncomfortable, but in the long term are going to set the city on course for more vitality, more health, more equity, and I would say more happiness for the people who choose to live here."  Read the full story here. Read more stories here.