New 'Workout' video released by M.Lawrence Sparkling Wines

Sometimes the best approach to wines--which can often be a stuffy and overbearing environment--is a lighthearted one.

The folks over at M.Lawrence sparkling wines realize that, which is exactly why Mike Laing, assistant winemaker for the company, announced recently the first of a series of short videos showing the virtues of their products. This first video, called Workout, is available on YouTube and takes a look at the sparkling wines with more than a bit of humor. 

"The lighthearted approach to enjoying our wines everyday in the video is immensely appealing to our customers," says Laing. "Our focus is on making seriously fun sparkling wines that remind folks not to take life so seriously and to enjoy life's every day moments."

M.Lawrence produces such sparkling wines as US, Sex, Fizz, Wet, Detroit, Green and Sandpiper. The company is located in Suttons Bay and is a brand of L. Mawby wines.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Mike Laing, M.Lawrence
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