Traverse City Cooperative Preschool has new enrichment facilitator

Traverse City Cooperative Preschool announced its new enrichment facilitator will be Kate Parvel. Parvel will lead enrichment activities at the preschool for the 2011-2012 school year.

She comes to the position with bachelor's degrees in education and psychology, a master's degree in educational psychology, and a certification in elementary education.

Parvel says she also has a passion for the cooperative preschool model presented at TCCP, and feels parents have a crucial role in their child's education.

One of the fundamentals of the cooperative model is that children learn best through play, so play-based learning is a big part of each enrichment class. Parvel also plans to offer community learning experiences like visits to the airport, ice skating, tae kwon do, music and dance, visits to local farms, and outdoors and sports activities.

The enrichment programs at TCCP are open to preschoolers ages four to six on Friday mornings throughout the school year. More information is available at the TCCP website.

Writer: Sam Eggleston
Source: Kate Parvel, Traverse City Cooperative Preschool

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