Century Inc. will be seeing quite the jump in their workforce over the next four years thanks to a training tool being offered by
Northwestern Michigan College.
The company, which manufactures precision steel components, expects to add 35 new jobs to its Traverse City operation by 2015--an increase of 20 percent. The opportunity stems from the New Jobs Training Program, which was created by the Michigan Legislature in 2008 and works as a regional economic development tool by allowing community colleges to offer training that, in turn, enables companies to expand and create new jobs that pay well. Training costs are paid by a diversion of the payroll taxes generated by the new jobs.
In the Century agreement, the 35 new jobs will boost its workforce to 197. The positions, ranging from production workers to office workers to one engineer, will pay at least $12.95 per hour, the minimum wage required to qualify for the New Jobs Training Program.
"As we continue to share information on the New Jobs Training Program with area employers, we find that companies are thinking very strategically about short- and long-term training needs related to the new jobs they are creating," says Marguerite Cotto, vice president for Lifelong and Professional Learning at NMC. "Century, Inc. is a great example of a company thinking about a mix of resources, from customized training through formal courses and certificates to meet the demands of their new customers. We're proud to be their partner."
Training costs and fees are expected to total $199,622 over the four years. The training to be offered by NMC will include leadership courses, CAD, computer information technology and more.
The Century agreement is NMC's second New Jobs Training Program deal, following one with Electro-Optics Technology Inc., in December 2010 that is expected to create 13 new jobs at the Traverse City company.
Writer: Sam EgglestonSource: Marguerite Cotto, Northwestern Michigan College
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