Grand Vision Event July 28 features Traverse City's Corbin Design

Corbin Design President Mark VanderKlipp will discuss how regions can become unified using wayfinding signage, which Corbin creates, and transit. Jeffry Corbin, who founded the Traverse City design firm 34 years ago, will participate in a discussion period after the presentation.

One in a series of three events for Grand Vision volunteers and the general public relating to transportation issues throughout Northern Michigan, this one is geared toward regional wayfinding and coordinated signage as it relates to bus stops. The forum will be held at the Northwestern Michigan College University Center, just north of South Airport and Cass, Room 207 on Wednesday, July 28 from 3 to 4:30 p.m. It's sponsored by the Growth and Investment and Transportation working groups.

VanderKlipp's presentation will explore and illustrate how other regions -- Bruce County, Ont.; Lehigh Valley, PA; and Fox Valley, WI, and the Indianapolis "IndyGo" transit system -- have come together physically and in the perception of residents and visitors.

"It will involve tactics such as transit and wayfinding, of course, but really I want this to be a higher-level discussion about a regional brand strategy and the connections required to bring it about," VanderKlipp says. "To me, that's the overriding challenge of the Grand Vision."

With its mission: "People Get Lost. We Fix That," the employee-owned Corbin Design has developed wayfinding systems for small towns including Traverse City, large cities and major regions throughout North America.

Writer: Patty LaNoue Stearns
Source: Corbin Design, The Grand Vision

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