I discovered my job online, but what made the difference in getting it was that I connected with a former employee on LinkedIn who just happened to share a network with me from my 19 years in Japan.
What I love most about the work that I do at Asahi Kasei Plastics is the challenge of creating messages and strategies that stick. My sales background has been useful in this task, as I am constantly evaluating our marketing efforts to better understand what messages are getting attention and ultimately driving sales.
I am also leading a website redevelopment project that incorporates strategies to help current and prospective clients to more easily connect and engage with our organization. Our website changes also include a broader more comprehensive strategy with social media efforts as well.
Last but not least, it has been a lot of fun to work at a multicultural company. Though my Japanese was a little rusty on my initial arrival to the company, it has improved considerably over a very short amount of time. My latest adventures in language entail learning Spanish to better support and serve the growth we are seeing in our Latin American markets.