Always ahead of the fashion curve, boutique owner Linda Dresner talks business, fashion, and home design philophy with
The Wall Street Journal.
"For 25 years, she owned an eponymous fashion boutique on Park Avenue in Manhattan, along with a shop in Michigan, still in operation not far from her home in Birmingham. Brands such as Dries Van Noten and Junya Watanabe are available in designer department stores all over the country today—not to mention on the Internet—but back when Dresner began in the business, in the late 1970s, she startled her Midwestern clientele with astonishing clothes by such designers, brought back from Milan and Paris. "I was one of the first to have Saint Laurent. I still have some of my original clients."
Of her plans to hold a first party at her new home, a benefit for Detroit's Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCAD), she says,
"Curators love Detroit; they think it's like early Berlin."
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