More alternatives for alternative transportation

The University of Michigan recently awarded its MobiPrize to six standout entrepreneurs, including Ann Arbor's A2B Bikeshare, in the field of alternative transportation. These companies are offering everything from cost-efficient bike sharing to microcars for your commute and peer-to-peer ridesharing as a form of public transit. It would be good to see all of these surfacing on Detroit-area streets. 


"Bike sharing is popular in major cities around the world, but many government-funded programs have actually proven to be financial burdens.

"It's really expensive to use a kiosk system, there has to be something better," said Angsgar Strother, founder of A2B Bikeshare, which wants to give smaller cities the benefits of bike sharing without the cost.

Strother's approach involves eliminating the kiosks and docking pads of traditional bikeshare models and replacing them with a touchscreen console on the bike itself...

A2B is currently operating a pilot in Lansing, Mich. With a fleet of 20 bikes, members pay $40 per "season" (typically about four months) which gives them the first half hour of every ride free, plus a $2 for each additional half hour."

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