What’s happening: The
Chaldean Community Foundation has been selected for the Michigan Central Station Children’s Endowment Initiative. It provides the Sterling Heights-based foundation the unique opportunity to generate a $1.5 million endowment at the Children’s Foundation, ensuring their organization’s impact for generations to come.
What it is: The
Michigan Central Station Children’s Endowment Initiative launched in June 2024 as part of Ford Motor Company’s reopening of Michigan Central Station in Detroit. Bill and Lisa Ford partnered with the Children’s Foundation on a $19 million fundraising campaign that will support 11 local youth-serving organizations with endowments.
Those organizations selected include Birth Detroit; Brilliant Detroit; Chaldean Community Foundation; Children’s Center; InsideOut Literary Arts; Judson Center; LAHC; Midnight Golf; Ruth Ellis Center; SER Metro-Detroit; and Starfish Family Services.
How it works: The 11 organizations selected will each receive a $500,000 permanent endowment at the Children’s Foundation. Each organization will then take the next two years to fundraise an additional $500,000. The Initiative will then match each organization’s fundraising campaign dollar-for-dollar, providing the potential for a $1.5 million permanent endowment by the end of 2026.
Why it’s important: “The re-opening of Michigan Central Station was a milestone moment for Ford Motor Company and Detroit, and we wanted to build on that excitement to make an even bigger impact on our city’s future with an endowment campaign benefitting youth organizations,” reads a statement from Bill and Lisa Ford. “We are in awe of the generosity from hundreds around our region who helped us exceed our goal, making a sustainable commitment to 11 youth-serving organizations that will impact generations to come.”
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