What’s happening: A shared network of 3D printers and resources will soon be accessible to more Michigan manufacturers as Troy’s Automation Alley has received the funding necessary to expand its
Project DIAMOnD program. The 3D printer network and resource hub will be able to support 100 small- and medium-sized manufacturers in their advanced manufacturing needs.
What it is: Automation Alley launched Project DIAMOnD (Distributed, Independent, Agile Manufacturing on Demand) in 2020 as the Troy-based advanced technology hub and resource center sought to offer Michigan manufacturers better access to a technology that can be valuable but expensive. Small- and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) enrolled in the program have access to the Project DIAMOnD Digital Transformation Program and the Project DIAMOnD
Digital Transformation Center (DTC) in Auburn Hills.
What’s next: The expansion of the program will increase capacity to support 100 Michigan SMMs; a minimum of 40 percent are required to be located in disadvantaged or underserved communities. The goal is to eventually expand the program statewide, where SMMs in each of the state’s 83 counties can access 3D printer networks.
How they’re doing it: This latest expansion is funded federally with $1.9 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Automation Alley contributed $125,000 and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation contributed $475,000.
Why it’s important: “This investment represents an important first step in our vision of scaling Project DIAMOnD statewide to empower small- and medium-sized manufacturers across Michigan,” says Tom Kelly, Executive Director and CEO of Automation Alley. “Oakland County has been an invaluable partner in spearheading Project DIAMOnD, laying the groundwork for its success and proving the transformative potential of advanced manufacturing technology. With this new support from the state of Michigan, more companies will now have the opportunity to benefit from Project DIAMOnD’s Digital Transformation Center. Together, with the Governor’s leadership, we are advancing toward our shared goal of making Michigan the global leader in advanced manufacturing innovation.”
Got a development news story to share? Email MJ Galbraith here or send him a tweet @mikegalbraith.
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