The start of what could become a new holiday tradition is scheduled to debut in Dearborn this weekend.
The WinterFest Market is set to kick off Saturday, Dec. 15 in both east and west downtown Dearborn. And that’s part of the point, to unite both downtowns as one and introduce shoppers to different parts of the city.
More than 30 vendors will be at City Hall ArtSpace Lofts Connector and West Village Commons Plaza in east and west downtown, respectively. Events include photo opportunities with Santa Claus and his reindeer, live entertainment, ice sculpting, bounce houses, hot cocoa and treats, face painting, and more.
"This is about becoming more cohesive as a community, connecting the east and west downtowns," says Cristina Sheppard-Decius, Executive Director of both the East Dearborn Downtown Development Authority and West Dearborn Downtown Development Authority.
"It gives people a great opportunity to see different parts of the community yet know and understand all of Dearborn."
The East Dearborn Downtown Development Authority will be holding their annual open house during the festivities, as well.
WinterFest is just one of many events planned by the DDAs throughout the year, key to the organizations’ efforts to maintain vibrant downtown cores. Other events include outdoor movie nights, Taste of Dearborn events, Maker Faire Detroit at The Henry Ford, and more.
"WinterFest gives people the opportunity to get into the different spaces downtown, including ArtSpace. But it also allows vendors to build their customer base and foot traffic, or test downtown spaces," Sheppard-Decius says.
"Maybe they’ll think about locating their businesses here, opening a brick-and-mortar location. It’s a good testing ground."
WinterFest Market is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 15, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at City Hall ArtSpace Lofts Connector and West Village Commons Plaza in Dearborn.
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