A new bar and restaurant is becoming an even newer music venue as the recently-opened
The Whiskey Six in Grosse Pointe is adding live music to its offerings. The Whiskey Six opened in December 2015 and will launch its foray into the local music scene with a concert by Ash Can Van Gogh on March 31.
Thursday Night Live, the weekly concert series will feature smaller ensembles and groups playing a range of genres, from rock to jazz, folk to pop. The first group to take part, Ash Can Van Gogh, is an acoustic Americana band that first began playing Detroit clubs three decades ago. RJ Spangler, a jazz musician, and the Thrift Store Cowboys, a country outfit, are slated to play future dates.
The restaurant is planning on booking larger ensembles for music on Saturday nights, as well.
"When you go out for an evening on the town, nothing can compare to the energy and the memories created by live music," says Roselie Posselius, manager of live entertainment for The Whiskey Six. "We want to recreate a special time and place, when people can experience live music at their favorite top spot."
The Whiskey Six first debuted near the end of 2015, serving upscale pub food on a menu that includes items like Lamb Sliders, Bourbon Prawns, and Wild Mushroom pizza. The bar focuses on Michigan craft beers and spirits as well as its large stock of different whiskeys. An original 1928 Studebaker sits over the space, the famous six-cylinder car popular during Prohibition from which the restaurant draws its name.
Ash Can Van Gogh kicks off
Thursday Night Live on Thursday, March 31, at 8 p.m. No cover.
The Whiskey Six is located at 646 St. Clair Ave. in Grosse Pointe.
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