Hot Mama, a Minnesota-based clothing store started by a mom who experienced the indignities and difficulties of shopping as a mom with kids in a new body, is coming to downtown Birmingham next spring. The styles are meant to keep moms from feeling too mom-ish.
The 2,400 square-foot store will open at 128 South Old Woodward and will add to Birmingham's selection of national retailers sought out by downtown planners.
A spokeswoman for
Hot Mama says Birmingham was chosen because of its similarities to Edina, where Hot Mama opened the first store in 2004.
"We were attracted to the walkable area and energy of downtown," she told Ed Nakfoor, a spokesman for the Birmingham Principal Shopping District. "It reminded us of our first store in Edina, Minnesota, at 50th & France. We also loved the co-tenants in downtown Birmingham."
The stores are family-friendly so moms can shop. The also stock snacks for kids and beer for dad. They are spacious, with room for strollers.
When the store opens a full time director and a full time manager will be hired, as will 10 part-time stylists.
Writer: Kim North Shine
Source: Edward Nakfoor, spokesman, Birmingham Principal Shopping District
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