Amp in Central Park, a new amphitheater, soon will fill downtown Milford with the sounds of music and other performances.
The $500,000 LaFontaine Family Amphitheater grew out of a community-supported fundraising and support from sponsors including the LaFontaine family, the Rotary Club of Milford, the Huron Valley Chamber of Commerce, and the Milford Downtown Development Authority. Individuals giving in amounts of $10, $20, or $30 also played a significant role in funding the project that is seen as transformative for Miford.
The theater design emphasizes nature, from grass-covered steps to a walkway for spectators to trees and vines that complement the facility's restrooms and stage.
Opening day was last week, coinciding with the start of a summer concert series. For a schedule of concerts, click on
Meet Me in Milford's website. The theater is located on Main Street between Huron and Liberty streets.
Source: Franco Public Relations and Milford Downtown Development Authority
Writer: Kim North Shine
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