In this era of smoking bans cigar lovers are seeing their options for a place to enjoy a stogie be slowly snuffed out.
Socialight, a cigar lounge and restaurant in West Bloomfield, is their respite, a place where others who appreciate cigars can go for a smoke, a drink, a meal and a membership that comes with a humidity-controlled humidor, cigar and wine storage, a monthly gift and access to a VIP room. There's a selection of 240 cigars for personal use or gifts.
However, says Justin Near, a spokesman for
Socialight Cigar Lounge & Bistro, is "not your typical cigar bar. First, and foremost, the majority of the space is non-smoking by design as they wish to be a serious local bistro that can be enjoyed by all. The cigar area is a separate room and cigar smoke cannot invade the bar and main dining room - a state-of-the-art filtration system has been installed."
Socialight opened Feb. 7 and is located at Maple and Haggerty roads.
Jeffrey Yatooma, Dani Sitto and Steve Romaya are partners in the business, with Romaya being the managing partner.
They and general manager Tom Meyer want Socialight to be the source for fine cigars and knowledge, great food, gifts and knowledge as well as a comfortable hangout whether for a game on TV or a business meeting or party.
The restaurant was a designed by local artist, John Janvirya, who has designed, amongst many other things, the former Chen Chow in Birmingham. By spring a patio will be completed and connected to the restaurant by a rolling garage door.
The menu is not a typical cigar bar menu, says Near, "although the daily specials are."
"It is a light, locally-sourced menu that is reasonably priced and the brainchild of Ryan Porter. Ryan, an up and coming chef and his assistant chef Carole Wendling. Ryan was learned from Chef Benjamin Myer from the Motor City Casino, and Wendling, was mentored by restaurateur Matt Prentice.
Source: Tom Meyer, general manager, Socialight Cigar Louge and Bistro
Writer: Kim North Shine
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