Patrick Dunn

Patrick Dunn is an Ann Arbor-based freelance writer. Follow him on Twitter @patrickdunnhere

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Will Metro Detroit buy into regional transit?

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3 regional transit systems Metro Detroit can learn from

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What's the solution to urban sprawl?

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Feature Story Making tempeh at the Brinery
Feature Story Carim Calkins in the forest on the grounds of Frost Middle School in Livonia

Preserving a bit of wilderness in the suburbs

Feature Story Mike Score, president of Hantz Woodlands

Nowhere to go but up: Growing metro Detroit's tree canopy

Feature Story Girls Rock Detroit

Girls Rock Detroit empowers local girls to get loud

Feature Story ganja-abs

Is there a future for metro Detroit ganjapreneurs?

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PoorManProps: Halloween the DIY way

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Ferndale's latest visual effect: Think So Animation studio

Feature Story 3andup-abs

Plymouth business asks customers to sit, roll, play