As the Michigan Corn intern, I promote and attend events such as the Breakfast on the Farm campaigns as well as Ag Expo to help educate the public on Michigan's second largest commodity. I support program staff and their activities by editing, writing and publicizing radio clips, membership updates, and news and press releases. In addition to these roles, I assist with communication and presentation development by corresponding with board members about recent ethanol, corn or other industry news.
I learned about Michigan Corn by attending last year's Autumnfest, held at the MSU Pavilion. I met a staff member who was representing Michigan Corn and inquired about any open internship positions because the more I learned about Michigan Corn, the more I wanted to work there due to the events they attended, the information they submitted to the public and all of the very cool things they did to represent agriculture.
Michigan Corn has a great location. It is easily accessible because it's right off the highway and only 15 minutes away from my home. The building is set in a beautiful backdrop because it is surrounded by a corn field. It really makes it a attractive place to work. I enjoy working at Michigan Corn because it is a friendly environment where other staff members encourage me to learn about all the wonders of corn so that I am up to speed wit the latest information and able to communicate with others when I attend events. I really enjoy helping with the press releases and definitely enjoy talking with the board members who represent growers in Michigan. This has been an excellent opportunity to learn and practice agricultural communication as well as make friendships through the agriculture industry.
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