Environment: Jobs Landed

6 Environment Jobs | Page:

Martin Polack

Martin has more than 25 years in technical sales and was recently promoted to Business Development manager for Triterra. His responsibilities includes forging new business clients/partnerships, managing existing client relationships, and developing new marketing strategies that support Triterra’s mission. Martin has exceptional procedural skills that are delivered with a focus on teamwork. He is an effective communicator with the ability to explain complex and technical issues clearly and match our professional staff with our client’s issues. He also maintains long term relationships with accounts throughout the mid-Michigan area.

On Twitter: @MartinPolack

Job Title: Business Development Manager
Company: Triterra
College: Lansing Community College, Lansing, Michigan

Ian Smith

I utilize my scientific expertise and training to apply a wide range of analytical and problem-solving skills to ongoing and upcoming Triterra projects. I provide property transaction and due diligence environmental services, including asbestos inspections, indoor air quality assessments, groundwater/stormwater monitoring and assessment, and Phase I environmental site assessments. Evaluation of data, reporting, and technical writing also comprise a significant portion of my time.

On Twitter: @ian_orland

Job Title: Materials Scientist/ Environmental Specialist
Company: Triterra
College: Michigan State University, College of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, East Lansing, Michigan

Alice Rossignol

I write reports and proposals, edit various documents and complete any other awesome tasks that come across my desk. I love it -- the people are great, our work is meaningful, old town is fun and I get to do something I'm passionate about.

The job was posted on The Nature Conservancy website and it seemed to fit well with my past professional experience and my personal passion for nature, science and the outdoors. I was also hoping to return to the Lansing area after working in Ann Arbor for the summer.

Job Title: Philanthropy Writer
Company: Nature Conservancy
College: Michigan State University, Masters Degree, Environmental Journalism, East Lansing, MI

Allie Muchmore

The way that the Lansing area is pulsing with an energy and creativity captivated me to stay here after graduation. Lansing is increasingly becoming an ideal community for young professionals to start a career. The opportunities provided by Michigan State University, coupled with a vibrant arts and culture scene, great nightlife downtown, tremendous local food movement, and beautiful natural assets like the Grand River present a quality of life similar to other premiere areas for young professionals.
It also impresses me as a place where idealism still thrives. Movements like #LoveLansing, Accelerate Lansing, YSG and others help channel the passion of young people who want to make a difference. There is a great sense of hope for the future in the community here.
I was fortunate to land a job with the Michigan Environmental Council – the state’s leading advocate for strong public policies that protect Michigan’s air, water, land and public health. It’s an office filled with high-energy people whose guiding principles are “Do good, have fun” and I am blessed to live and work in an environment where I can do both! As the Special Projects Associate, I utilize my creativity and local networks to plan exciting and high-quality events, meetings and summits.  Like many of my colleagues here in Lansing, I create a platform for ideas to spark, discussions to develop, and people to learn new ways to move Michigan forward. And I love it.

Job Title: Special Projects Associate
Company: Michigan Environmental Council
College: Michigan State University, Environmental Economics and Policy, East Lansing, MI

Kelly Bernero

Upon graduation from college I was torn between staying in my hometown where I knew I could make a positive difference or traveling abroad and utilizing my cross-cultural experiences on the international scene.  The decision to stay in Lansing, at least for a while, and invest my skill set here was made easy by SERF's offer to join the company on the ground floor.  I heard about SERF from professionals in the Lansing community who knew I was in search of an exciting job and the company attorney connected me with the President, Joe Maguire.  I immediately was captivated by the innovative and inclusive approach SERF took in expanding the notion of environmental stewardship.  SERF does not see business--no matter what the nature of the business to be--as the enemy of good stewardship.  SERF allows any individual, whether they be a homeowner, a teacher, a factory worker, a builder or a developer to promote sustainable practices by going through our simple application process, or by joining our society as a Professional Associate.  

And that's where I come in!  It is my job to find the people in this community and around the country who believe in our mission and get them to SERF certify.  The only other viable certification available today can be very costly and cumbersome, so my products are usually very well received by folks I sit down with.  I present SERF to almost any individual I can, with an obvious emphasis on builders and people who own facilities and are capable of making a decision to go through with a SERF certification.  I have met with National Guard Brig. Generals, Township Boards, and Domino Farms executive officers.  SERF has given me the chance to hone my speaking and presenting skills and has sharpened my confidence around the more established in the work field.  I have learned a wealth of information about renewable energy and sustainable building and operational practices.  I enjoy my job because not only do I get to rub shoulders with a lot of stakeholders around the state, but I know the world is a better place because of the work we do.  Every step that an individual, huge company, small business, gym or ballpark takes to preserve our environment, is a step that will ensure this Earth is as beautiful and safe for my children and grandchildren as it was for me.  Because of SERF's emphases on PR and marketing, the "green" message and movement is supported by our business and that is a cause I'm proud to be linked with.

Follow me on Twitter @bernero

Job Title: Marketing Representative
Company: Society of Environmentally Responsible Facilities
College: University of Michigan, Dual B.A., History and Political Science, Ann Arbor, MI

Colin W. Maguire

SERF is a young company, so my initial job was a little bit of everything so we could get up and rolling. This ranged from coming up with operational formats to organizing a tax benefit database. The base of our business is selling enviromental certifications for buildings with a built in marketing package. We are customer service based, results driven and consumer oriented. A lot of my work has been getting the word out about SERF, making sales, and then performing certification assessments. I am happy to report that we have had success in Michigan and other markets. Currently, we are responding to market needs and I have been tasked with creating an education program to teach people about green buildings through our platform of "Practical Environmental Stewardship." To this end, I am also working on a new demonstration building and education center we will be contstructing in East Lansing. This building will be part of our new 501(c)(3) non-proft SERF Foundation and stand as a wonderful, interactive example and symposium for environmental sustainability.

Job Title: Membership Director & Certification Specialist
Company: Society of Environmentally Responsible Facilities
College: Thomas M. Cooley Law School, Lansing, MI

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