New transportation hub on track in East Lansing

Travelers should have a place next summer to hop on the Amtrak or catch a Greyhound, Megabus or Indian Trail motorcoach as demolition gets underway on the site of a new multimillion-dollar transportation hub run by the Capital Area Transportation Authority.
Walls began tumbling in mid-August on the old Michigan State University Surplus Store and Printing Services buildings, the first in a series of steps to replace the 40-year-old train station near S. Harrison and Trowbridge roads.
According to excerpts from the article:
"The project is funded by a $6.3 million U.S. Department of Transportation grant, plus $500,000 from the Michigan Department of Transportation. MSU owns the site and leases it to CATA to manage the station.

"CATA awarded a contract for the project to Holt-based Laux Construction earlier this summer."
Read the full article here.
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