Westside Commercial Association to coordinate community mural for Sparrow parking deck

Lansing’s Westside is about to become more colorful. The Westside Commercial Association recently celebrated the receipt of $3,900 raised by Capital Area Women's Lifestyle Magazine’s annual '80s Flashback Dance to fund the first in a series of murals to be mounted on the Sparrow Hospital St. Lawrence Campus parking structure.
“This idea came from a 2004-2005 community visioning process,” says WCA volunteer and City of Lansing Council member Jessica Yorko, “whereby residents interested in transforming the business and residential areas along and adjacent to Saginaw Street in Lansing discussed all of the things they wanted to change, and then created a long-term action plan based on their desires.”
The painting of the mural will be coordinated by local non-profit One Love Global, together with WCA and Sparrow. OLG’s Peace and Prosperity Youth Action Movement will take the lead on the project and will involve children from Sparrow’s Children's Miracle Network in the work. 
“Public art projects like this are a way for the community to fight back against decline,” says Yorko. “It is a way to for residents of all ages and business and property owners to work together and make hopeful, inspiring artwork, showcase talents, build relationships, and let everyone who passes through Lansing’s Westside know that we are a vibrant, diverse, collaborative and strong community, and that we are dedicated to improving our area.”
Sparrow Hospital has also committed more than $3,300 to the project. This is the first of up to five mural panels planned for the structure. Design work has already begun, and Yorko expects the first panel to be painted and installed this year.
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