Founder Jimmie Dobson spent his life collecting firetrucks and antique toys. His collection forms the foundation of the Antique Toy and Firetruck Museum on Patterson Road. Ashley Brown
The Antique Toy and Firehouse Museum hosted special events over the weekend in connection with the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. A memorial service was held on Sept. 11 to honor all first responders and their families.
Hundreds of pieces of first responder history are displayed inside the museum.
During the special 9/11 weekend events honoring first responders, the trucks sat outside in the sunshine.
While many of the trucks on display served this area, that isn't a requirement. You'll find items from all over the country inside the museum.Open houses were held throughout the weekend to allow people to visit the museum at 3456 Patterson Road.
The museum always needs volunteers who are passionate about firetrucks, first responders, toys, or history. To learn more, go to the organization’s website at
Most of the equipment at the museum has been beautifully restored. You'll see the trucks in area parades.
While the trucks are the stars of the museum, you'll find antique toys throughout., The museum houses hundreds of toys and fire trucks collected by Jimmie Dobson, who founded the facility. Dobson spent a lifetime collecting everything from a FDNY Super Pumper to a midget model T to rare collectible toy trucks.
The new downtown location is inside a former fire station.
Firefighting equipment has come a long way.
The museum is located on Patterson Road now, but renovations are underway so a downtown location can store some of the trucks.To learn more about the museum, visit the website or watch the Facebook page.
Photography is encouraged inside the museum. Volunteers say the only requirement is that the photographers have fun while visiting.
Firefighting equipment means more than trucks, hoses, and extinguishers.
The museum was founded in 2000 with the mission of preserving fire service memorabilia for future generations.Renovations are going on now at Bay City Fire Station #3 in Downtown Bay City so it can be the new home for many of the museum’s trucks. Watch Facebook for more information
Fire extinguishers may not be glamorous, but they are a highly-recommended piece of safety equipment.
Touring the grounds at the museum lets visitors step back in time.Firetruck fans also can see some of the trucks during the Midland Santa Parade on Nov. 20. More details are available on the website.
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