In an effort to bring a promising plot of land closer to "shovel-ready" status, the state of Michigan has awarded a local economic development group a six-figure grant.
Bay Future, Inc. has been awarded a $100,000 Michigan Site Readiness grant by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and its Michigan Build Ready Sites program. The program is intended to assist with the development or enhancement of industrial sites.
In total, 45 industrial sites in 31 counties throughout the state were awarded grants through the program.
"This grant award is an affirmation and culmination of the work of the team we were able to coalesce in the fall," says Trevor Keyes, President and CEO of Bay Future, Inc.
"It affirms and leverages the work of that team, allowing us the opportunity to apply for and secure funds for the Michigan Build Ready Sites program."
Bay Future, Inc. will use the funds to enhance a 192-acre site on Fisher Road in Monitor Township, preparing the land for development. The hope is to build a Certified Industrial Tech Park.
An adjacent Certified Tech Park is at or near capacity, the group says in their application to the MEDC.
According to that application, the $100,000 awarded will be spent on master planning for the site in order "to optimize development on the 192 acre site, possible drain relocation or enclosure investigation, coordination of land use/zoning, a boundary survey showing property encumbrances (if any), a traffic study, coordination with existing utility companies, existing utility infrastructure analysis, and an evaluation of cultural resources with an estimated timeline of 12 months."
"We are excited because this award brings our community closer to the pre-emptive and pro-active development work that is required of sites like this," says Keyes.
"That pro-active work is a major component of the specialized work that Bay Future, Inc. provides to the wider community."
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