Downtown steakhouse finds a new crowd with menu items you might not expect

Coming down historic Center Avenue in downtown Bay City, you pass by Gatsby’s Seafood & Steakhouse.

Any night of the week and the bar and restaurant might be busy with patrons enjoying steak and burgers, all kinds of different fish.

You know. Meat. 

But on Wednesdays, the clientele might be enjoying something other than the classics one might expect at a steakhouse.

That’s because every Wednesday at Gatsby’s is Vegan Night, when cook Todd Nuzum prepares a different vegan dish to feature each week. The special is complemented by Gatsby’s vegan menu, which is available every day of the week.

For experienced restaurateur Rick Revette, the idea of a vegan menu at a seafood and steakhouse didn't even require a second thought.

"You know how popular it has become. It’s incredible how many vegans are out there nowadays," Revette says.

"This is another avenue for us to grow our customer base."

And grow its customer base it has.

Wednesdays at Gatsby’s, in particular, have become flush with customers looking to try the latest vegan special.

Revette credits the return of Nuzum, who Revette hired back after the cook worked at a different establishment for awhile. Nuzum brought his passion for the vegan lifestyle to the restaurant, creating a menu that includes dishes prepared from scratch with only the freshest of ingredients.

Revette realizes that fans of meat and dairy are sometimes leery of vegan dishes. But even non-vegans have raved about the food, he says. And they’ve reaped the health benefits too.

"Come in and try it. For anyone that’s on the fence, try it and you’ll be amazed," Revette says.

"It’s definitely healthier for you and it’s definitely healthier for the planet."

Gatsby’s Seafood & Steakhouse is located at 203 Center Ave. in downtown Bay City.

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